Berkshire Counselling and Psychotherapy Services

About your Counsellor/Psychotherapist for emotional/mental issues

Amreeta Chapman has been in counselling/Psychotherapy practice for over fifteen years working with issues such as depression, bereavement, anxiety, anger, stress, trauma and low self-esteem as well as couple counselling and child therapy. After 15 years of working from Reading, Wokingham, Windsor, she now works mostly via Zoom or from Home in Woodley, RG5; she works with individuals, families and couples offering counselling and therapy via Solution Focused Counselling, CBT and Psycho-traumatology training as well as Hypnotherapy/EMDR training she has had over the last twenty years of studying and practising Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Why would someone seek counselling with Amreeta? Most of us live with some symptom whether it is anxiety or a sense of low mood shadowing our winter days. But when a symptom become punitive to the extend that it overshadows our rational thinking (e.g. thinking you can't sleep alone in your house just because your husband needs to travel for work thus having panic attacks when he is leaving) or the symptom starts inhibiting our functional life (e.g. you can't leave your child at school because you fear you may cry in front of people as your emotions are all over the place) or the symptom starts affecting your performance at work (e.g. your anger or anxiety is affecting work relations, trust among colleagues or affecting your self esteem), then that person knows he/she needs some help with emotiona regulation, or symptom reduction or symptom elimination so he/she can regain the functional life that was there before.Amreeta can offer short term Counselling for a crisis situation like bereavement stopping you from going back to work; and she can work long term with clients with borderline, anorexia, sexual abuse or PTSD symptoms stopping them from sleeping or working at all.

As a counsellor/psychotherapist Amreeta has graduated with a B.A.(Honours) and M.A.(Clinical) Psychology in the 90's and worked in Mauritius with children and families suffering child abuse and/or domestic violence on a therapeutic level for five years before moving to England in 2002 to study Psychoanalysis with the Tavistock centre in London. She decided to shift her training to solution focused counselling after a few years; she then carried on training as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 2006 as well as completed her training in Trauma therapy in the last few years. She has developped an interest in helping clients learn techniques and tools to shift themselves from a problem state to a solution state within 10-12 sessions which is why she has also trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist though she only uses hypnosis in counselling with the client's permission as not everyone is comfortable with Hypnosis.

Amreeta works as a Counsellor/Psychotherapist in Reading, Wokingham, Woodley,Berkshire( working online on zoom or from home in Woodley and Mind Garden therapy centre in Reading seeing clients for emotional and mental issues such as depression, anxieties,panic attacks, low self-esteem and anger/aggression since the past eighteen years. But she has a very special interest as well as experience in working with couples and families as over the years she has found relationships can often generate the deepest pleasure but also triggers past patterns of behaving, communicating and acting that can take the individual by surprise and affect his/her relationship with a child, partner or even colleague at work!

Thereby Amreeta aims to help in Relationship issues and problems with:

  1. Parents and children/adolescents helping them develop their relationship through better and more effective communications.
  2. Couples and partners/lovers helping them change their regressive or aggressive tendencies towards more proactive and loving couples’ interactions.
  3. Men and women facing social or work relations with fears and anxieties, aiming to help them become more assertive and confident as well as interactive with strangers as well colleagues at work.
  4. Sexual relations between two people very close and in love, wishing to complete their already rich relationships but finding they are not (either one of them or both) functioning very healthily and satisfactorily in their sexual lives.
  5. Peer relations for adolescents and young people who are in trouble with addictions and alcohol, seeming to choose dysfunctional relations to protect themselves.

As a Solution Focused Counsellor and Psychotherapist in Reading, Woodley and Wokingham( and online counselling worldwide) Amreeta has as her aim to help clients, either individually or as a pair, explore the issues and symptoms that are damaging their relationship and understand why it is happening, without playing the blaming game. She offers an empathic listening space where children and adults can feel understood unconditionally without any judgement or preconceptions, as Amreeta believes clients are very knowledgeable about their problems and the solutions as well but they are too deeply involved emotionally to be able to find a clear way to move form the problem state to the solution state.

For more information or questions regarding your specific issues call Amreeta on 0118 926 9978 or 0786 129 3634. You can also email her your questions by clicking here. Please note that she may be with clients so do leave a message as she aims to answer you within two to three hours. Amreeta understands you are making a huge step ahead by contacting her and she will definitely answer you by call or mail whichever you prefer!

Practices counselling in Reading/Caversham, Wokingham/Bracknell, Woodley/Twyford, Windsor/Slough, covering Berkshire.

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