Berkshire Counselling and Psychotherapy Services

Counselling for Depression

Men and women wear depression differently....
Many people are affected by a mental health issue like depression at some point in their lives. In fact the latest statistics from the government would go as far as to say that one in four has depression but at different level of severity and it is only when depression or its offshoots like anxiety, panic, irritability, withdrawal symptoms become severe and starts affecting daily lives that we seek medical or counselling/psychotherapy help.. Amreeta Chapman as a Psychologist , Psycho-traumatologist and solution focused Counsellor deal with depression every day in her counselling and psychotherapy practices in Reading, Wokingham and Woodley berkshire.

Depression is the most common form of mental health problem with 1in 10 people here in the UK experiencing it at some point in their lives. Statistics show that depression is more common amongst women, 1in4, where as men, 1in10, are more likely to take drastic measures such as to commit suicide. There are many theories as to why this may be. One of which is that men are less likely to seek help for their conditions. The many ranging symptoms of depression can include restlessness, insomnia, loss of appetite, and in extreme causes the desire to commit suicide, to name but a few.

Men and women both suffer from depression in different degrees but express them differently. Whereas women might have mood swings, low energy, sadness, insomnia, dark moments of thoughts of hopelessness Men may express the same depression in anger, aggression, stress levels, overworking, and restlessness, irritating mood swings, binge drinking or smoking. We all feel sad from time to time or have negative thoughts but when they cause us to stop functioning in our daily lives and business/work situation that is where we may need counselling and Psychotherapy as well as medical help.

Symptoms of depression may include the following:

Depression and Suicide:
Warning signs of suicide with depression include:

Although with mild to moderate depression clients do think of ending their pain they do not necessarily go as far as planning it or attempting it as severely depressed clients. The first attempt of any counsellor would be to make sure such a client is being helped by a team of medical services as well as counselling services as the client is very vulnerable and needy. But as client becomes more stabilized and able to consider helping himself or herself counselling with depression helps in building client's self image and self confidence as well as self-liking and acceptance.

The main aims of Reading and Wokingham counselling services is to help clients understand their mood and thought processes, develop tools and techniques of regulating these mood swings that make them helpless right now, and then look at their whole belief system and self-image that are a bit like a movie script keeping the mind and body acting accordingly. Thus a depressed client may have a belief system around worthlessness and failure that he/she has tried repressing, avoiding, denying but often when things are going well in the external world client will lapse into a dark mood because their belief system of worthlessness cannot adapt to the good life. or else soe clients will keep having chronic depression or a low grade depression that has become part of their lives because they have experienced worthlessness and helplessness since very early years.

Reading and wokingham counselling services has been working with depression for over fifteeen years as Amreeta is trained as a Psychologist and solution-focused Counsellor as well as a Psycho-traumatologist. For more details on your counsellor in Reading and Wokingham read "about your counsellor" in "other information".

Postnatal Depression and Counselling.
It is a proven and medically accepted fact that PND is a problem that 80% of women may develop.

After years of social/self blame feelings of depression and displeasure over their babies, mothers feel more empowered now to say that they are depressed. Most of them just develop what is called 'baby blues' usually feelings of sadness and dissociation from the baby and surroundings which passes in a few days. Different women experience the same feelings in different intensities depending on several factors and there are a few who do not experience any of those!

It is quite a disturbing experience for any new mother and her husband/partner: after months of excitement and restless preparation, looking forward to the day when they are going to finally hold that precious being in their arms, to suddenly feel disinterested and utter dissociation in the baby is very confusing and painful.

Post Natal Depression is worse than normal sadness and 'baby blues' usually it will occur within twelve months of having a baby, most probably during the first few weeks and months. It ranges in severity from very mild to severe and lingering symptoms. Post natal depression is most common after the first pregnancy.

The range of symptoms in Post Natal Depression includes the following with differing intensities for different women:

Reading and Wokingham Counselling services aims to work in a solution focused way to help the client bridge the gap between their mind saying they "should" be happy and enjoying their new role as Mother and their Body and emotions taking them into gloomy mood swings.

Amreeta Chapman has fifteen years of experience working with depression, PND, Anxiety, GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder), OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Panic Disorder and they are known as the Mood Disorders for the simple reason that they affect the mood and emotions mainly where the person "feels" nothing will change, their day is going to fail, they are worthless and helpless etc...they try controlling their symptoms via their logic and medications (which is needed when severe symptoms and functionality get affected) but counselling offers them an additional benchmark for helping them take control of those overwhelming emotions that seem to be controlling their lives.

Reading and Wokingham Counselling works within 10-12 sessions of counselling to help clients reach their goals which they clarify from the first session. Counselling stays targeted and goal oriented and although is known as "talking therapy" Amreeta Chapman brings with her experience as clinical Psychologist, Counsellor, Psychotraumatologist, tools and techniques which aims to help client make long term recovery in their self belief, self confidence, self regulation of their moods and emotions.

SAD- Seasonal Affective Disorder
Do the bleak winter months get you down more than you think they should? You may have seasonal affective disorder or SAD. It is a mood disorder that happens every year at the same time. A less common form occurs in the summer and begins in late spring or early summer and ends in autumn. But in general, seasonal affective disorder starts in autumn or winter and ends in spring or early summer.

Hormones manufactured deep in the brain automatically trigger attitudinal changes at certain times of year. Experts believe that SAD is related to these hormonal changes. One theory is that reduced sunlight during autumn and winter leads to reduced production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that has a soothing, calming effect. The result of there not being enough serotonin is feelings of depression along with symptoms of fatigue, carbohydrate craving, and weight gain. SAD usually starts in young adulthood and is more common in females than in males. Some people with SAD experience very mild symptoms and feel out of sorts or irritable. Others have debilitating symptoms that interfere with relationships and productivity.

SAD symptoms have many of the normal signs of depression including:

Chronic Depression (Dysthymia) and Counselling:
Most people do not recognise Dysthymia but will recognise someone who goes through episodes of low mood and hopeless attitude and mild depression that lasts for a few months and then it is gone....but comes back after a few years again and again. This form of chronic depression is thought to be related to brain changes that involve serotonin, a chemical or neurotransmitter that aids your brain in coping with emotions.

Major life stresses, chronic illness, medications, and relationship or work problems may also increase the chances of dysthymia. Child stress can cause Dysthymia as well but because that has become a way of living for that adult survivor he/she does not recognise the abonormality and chronicity of low mood until in a relationship where it causes problems.

While not disabling like major depression, dysthymia can keep you from feeling your best and functioning optimally. Dysthymia can begin in childhood or in adulthood and seems to be more common in women.

Symptoms of dysthymia are the same as those of major depression but not as intense and include the following:

Reading and Wokingham Counselling services aims to work in a solution focused way to help the client bridge the gap between their mind saying they "should" be happy and enjoying their new role as Mother and their Body and emotions taking them into gloomy mood swings.

Amreeta Chapman has fifteen years of experience working with depression, PND, Anxiety, GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder), OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Panic Disorder and they are known as the Mood Disorders for the simple reason that they affect the mood and emotions mainly where the person "feels" nothing will change, their day is going to fail, they are worthless and helpless etc...they try controlling their symptoms via their logic and medications (which is needed when severe symptoms and functionality get affected) but counselling offers them an additional benchmark for helping them take control of those overwhelming emotions that seem to be controlling their lives.

Reading and Wokingham Counselling works within 10-12 sessions of counselling to help clients reach their goals which they clarify from the first session. Counselling stays targeted and goal oriented and although is known as "talking therapy" Amreeta Chapman brings with her experience as clinical Psychologist, Counsellor, Psycho-traumatologist, tools and techniques which aims to help client make long term recovery in their self belief, self confidence, self regulation of their moods and emotions. For more information or questions call Amreeta on 0118 926 9978 or 0786 129 3634. You can also email her your questions by clicking here. Please note that she may be with clients so do leave a message as she aims to answer you within two to three hours. Amreeta understands you are making a huge step ahead by contacting her and she will definitely answer you by call or mail whichever you prefer!

Practices in Reading/Caversham, Wokingham/Bracknell, Woodley/Twyford, Windsor/Slough, covering Berkshire.

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